Imenco Insight user client

Imenco Insight

Imenco is ready to present a new software for the aquaculture industry.

Imenco Insight user client


Imenco is ready to present a new software for the aquaculture industry. Imenco Insight provides a unique experience for controlling the entire system, a user-friendly interface and intuitive controller. User can select software language, create different views and integrate ONVIF cameras.

This new software integrates various products like:

Product sheet - Imenco Insight


  • Supports 4K video streaming
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Streaming with short delay *
  • Easy to use pan/tilt, zoom / focus / light / winch controls and change video settings
  • Sensors and compass overlay
  • Video and photo recording / archive
  • Stream 25 video streams simultaneously
  • Integrated system
  • Integrated ONVIF cameras

* 350 ms @ wired ethernet, glass to glass latency


ImencoAqua-Anders Bastholm

Anders M. Bastholm

International sales and frame agreements
ImencoAqua-Trond Marøy

Trond Marøy

Sales Manager - Landbased & Seanest
ImencoAqua-Thomas Opsal

Thomas Opsal

Sales Advisor - Seabased

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