

Everything you need to know about water quality – in one place. Wireless logger from Imenco Aqua.



You know the living conditions of the fish and have the documentation required if you want to expand production or e.g. be ASC certified. Continuous logging of oxygen data is important especially when using a lice skirt – both inside and outside the skirt.

A base station is quickly installed on the feeding barge or on one of the cages. It is a flexible system with regards to the number of sensors linked. The sensors log oxygen, temperature, salinity, sea current, pH, wind and CO2. New data is sent automatically to SACON via a mobile network, and anyone in the company with authorised access to SACON can see data from the environment log.


  • Logs oxygen, temperature, salinity, ocean current with speed and direction, pH, CO2, turbidity and weather data
  • Easy to install and easy to use
  • Solid and reliable
  • User defined alarm for oxygen level
  • Well arranged presentation online and all data is available from PC, mobile and tablet
  • Complete historical log
  • From the standard website that follows the product, you can retrieve all data via a complete API
  • With an extended base station with storage of data in a standard SQL database, you can extract the data you want for use against other systems such as Fish Talk and PLS facilities
  • Battery powered 12 V or 220 V via maintenance charger to battery
  • Mounting, service and operation agreement


ImencoAqua-Anders Bastholm

Anders M. Bastholm

International sales and frame agreements
ImencoAqua-Rune Stangvik

Rune Stangvik

Service and Production Manager – Oxygen, Feeding & Sensors
ImencoAqua-David Ulloa Walker

David Ulloa Walker

General Manager – Imenco Aqua Chile
ImencoAqua-Trond Marøy

Trond Marøy

Sales Manager - Landbased & Seanest
ImencoAqua-Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos Reyes

Product Manager – Imenco Aqua Chile

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