Feeding automat control – disc controller
Feeding automat control – disc controller
Feeding automat control – disc controller
Automatic control of disc feeder and belt automat
- 2-channel PLS-control. Operating voltage 24 VAC. Effect 260 VA. Capacity: 25 automats per channel
- For every output you can adjust feeding ( 1 round) in hours, feeding interval in seconds, and add pauses
- Adjusted according to the type of disc feeder which is connected. Exchange at 1-9 liter disc feeder has exchange/rph 1,0 (selection 1), 25 liters disc feeder has rph 2,8 (selection 2), 25 liters has rph 6,0 exchange (selection 3)
- Supplied form a 500VA (VAC) transforme
Runar Aasgård
Customer Service & Logistic – Feeders and Oxygen diffusors